Derek Lovett
March 17, 2023
At one of my recent events I met a lady who told me about the vision God had given her to write books. Laughingly, she said, "I've known that I should write for years, and I just haven't." Her comments came in response to an introduction I had delivered where I shared about my former struggles with writing and how one epiphany turned that around for me. The thing that stuck out to me most about our conversation was the way that she seemed to "proudly" wear her deficiency. It was like she was saying, "I have a vision, but I am choosing not to pursue it."
If this was 10 years ago I probably wouldn't have given it much thought. But the latter years of my life had granted me a candid look into this presumption. I knew it all too well. It had led me down a terrible path that I had been fortunate to return from.
The honest truth is that we should never have the audacity to "sit" on our vision. It is not ours to keep under wraps. It was given to us to make an impact that brings glory to The Creator. But unfortunately, sometimes we adopt the mindset that receiving the vision is the thing to be lauded in lieu of actually pursuing it. And that's not the case!
I can't imagine that as a child I would have ever consciously chosen not do the very thing I was gifted to do. To do those things was instinctive. I'm sure you can attest. We focused on our gifts without anyone telling us to. We occupied ourselves with them when we were restless and when we were bored. They testified of their existence in us before we even realized it. And if we ever chose not to pursue an opportunity to develop our gifts it was likely due to fear or insecurity.
God gives us a vision to help us stay focused on the things that will best utilize our gifts. However, as we get older, sometimes failures and delayed results can turn our hopes into apathy. This is where it gets dangerous. This can lead to us blaming God for our shortcomings and even deciding to do life the way we want to do it no matter how God is trying to lead us. If this resonates with you, the good news is that there is still time to kindle the vision, and it simply starts with you putting something down on paper.
Get started cultivating your vision today with the R3 Planning Framework!