Initial Coaching Session & Follow-up
Drive better results through implementing a system for your life!
Service Description
Our results coaches will work one-on-one with you to help you identify ways that you can improve results and help you develop and implement a system that drives the results you want.
Cancellation Policy
As a courtesy to us, we ask that if you have to cancel or reschedule please make sure you do so prior to 24 hours before your scheduled session. You can do this: (1) through your online account (2) by emailing derek@refreshrefocusrebuild.com (3) by sending a text message to (334) 245-0760. Nonetheless, we understand that sometimes circumstances arise that do not allow for this courtesy to be extended. Therefore, we operate in the good faith that our clients will do their part to help us provide services for everyone effectively. Furthermore, while no penalty is incurred for "no-shows" we do take them into account and reserve the right to refuse services to individuals who we feel abuse this provision. Thank you. Disclaimer: We are not licensed counselors, psychologists, or financial advisors. Furthermore, the sole claim for the validity of our services is our experience, the proprietary planning framework we use, and the testimonials of clients.
Contact Details
2104 Edinburgh Drive, Montgomery, AL, USA