The R3 Planner
Meet Linda
Linda is a middle school history teacher of 15 years. She and her husband, Bob, have three children, Benny (16), Sarah (13), and Alan (5).
Linda and Bob have spent the majority of their adult lives raising their children. Linda, now 42 years old, has contemplated changing careers, but she carries the insurance benefits for her family with her teaching job. She really values being a mentor to her students and would like to build a business that would give her more flexibility with her time during the day and would be less mentally and emotionally draining. She has made some strides with setting up a website and has worked with some clients pro bono. However, she finds it hard to make consistent progress because her evenings are consumed by her children's activities.
Below you will be able to observe how Linda started using the 9 planning tools in The R3 Planner to begin transforming her old way of doing things.
In general, this process takes approximately 3 - 5 hours to complete. By doing this individuals can shift a significant amount of their planning to the beginning of the month and, thereby, reduce the burden of excessive planning throughout the month.
Monthly Planning Tools
Fill in on the first day of each month (or the day prior)
Serves to clarify vision
Write exactly how you feel about the vision in that moment; then reference from month to month to build clarity
Notes on Linda:
While Linda is currently a teacher, she wrote down what she sees herself doing. (Think of vision as "what you want out of life.")
Weekly Planning Tools
Fill this in either EVERY morning before starting the day or the night before
Increase efficiency and productivity throughout the day and reduce stress (statistics show that planning for 12 - 15 minutes to start the day can save 2 - 3 hours of wasted time)​
Reference your weekly schedule and transfer the activities for the respective day to your daily agenda (you don't have to include every detail but just enough to provide the structure for your day); include any daily tasks on the right side and fit them in where most convenient
Notes on Linda:
Because Linda already has the basic structure for her day (from the Monday column of her Weekly Schedule), it becomes easier for her to see where her daily tasks can fit; by practicing this approach, Linda reduces the stress of not knowing how she will get things done
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